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Don't give to get,
Be Fierce, Resilient, & Great

501 (c) (3)
Empowering families by providing services and resources to help improve the lives of children and families within the Inland Empire. We believe every child deserves to be loved, connected, and empowered through family with the help of communities coming together to make a difference in each other lives. We collaborate with individuals, companies, and community partners to bring services and resources to help families thrive. We help facilitate parent involvement through our weekly activities as a means of helping their children develop and learn. Our staff is made up of parents who have first-hand experience with aspects of families’ struggles and are trained in listening, communicating, and problem-solving. BFRG stands for being fierce, resilient, and great.
Connect families of children with resources to help improve their children learning abilities.
Improve and facilitate parent involvement as a means of improving their children’s outcomes in life.
Support and collaborate with new and existing organizations to provide families with as many resources as needed.
Help and support parents to know their rights, effectively communicate their child’s needs, and advise them when dealing with their child’s education and health services.
Encourage and support parents in leadership roles.
Independent Living Program
Therapy program
Mentor Program
Cherished Moments Program
Back-to-School Program
Entrepreneurship Program
The services available within this program are to promote a philosophy of independent living, peer support, self-help, self-determination, and equal access to each individual. The purpose of this program is to provide core and other allowable services to maximize the success rate. The goal of this program is to maximize the leadership, empowerment, independence, and productivity of individuals. This program was designed with a broad range of elements to accommodate the diverse needs within the community.
BFRG Keys to Success
A Vital Service Designed for the End-User
Customer Care Advantage Program
Controlled Overhead and Operational Costs
Regular and On-Going Customer Feedback
Sufficient Forms and Technology/Software Capacity
Consultation Services – Ongoing
Dedicated Management and Support Staff
4 Phases
Phase I: Create a website, social media pages, and marketing campaign. Obtain and fully furnish a location to allow children to learn basic life skills. We also will be hosting monthly sessions on self-care, STEAM activities, arts & crafts, cooking lessons, tutoring, movie nights, alternative therapy, educational & business workshops, mentoring, etc.
Phase II: Hire full-time direct and indirect staff.
Phase III: Obtain and fully furnish a house to allow homeless people to be able to take a shower, do laundry, use computers and eat during the day. Eventually, we would like to use it as a transitional house and enroll participants in a 2-year program to become self-sufficient.
Phase IV: Secure funding to maintain both locations beyond a year.
Current Fundraiser
Learn with Me: Christian book that teaches children the books within the bible through crosswords puzzles, coloring pages, memorization, etc. For every purchase, $6 will be donated to the nonprofit. You can purchase on Amazon at:
Bulk order: Please email us directly at BFRGFoundation@gmail.com to purchase in bulk to receive the discounted price.
The meaning of LIFE is to find YOUR GIFT. The PURPOSE of LIFE is to GIVE it away.
Make a Difference!

We appreciate all your love and support! We are looking forward to implementing our next phase towards successfully making an impact within our community.